The association “Sēlijas laivas” (Selonian Boats) was founded in the autumn of 2018 with the aim of developing a culture of active nature tourism in Sēlija; to activate the sense of belonging of the place by getting to know and learning about the nature, culture, history and active people in Sēlija. The activities of the association are focused on three major directions: the development of boating on the small rivers of Sēlija, the organization of hiking and the promotion of environmental education. We plan routes, organize boating trainings, create environmental cleaning campaigns.
In the short time of our activities, we have gained attention in the field of non-governmental organizations. By now, we have implemented 8 projects supported by various donors and a number of voluntary clean-up initiatives. In 2019, we won the European Rural Parliament’s competition for the most inspiring story of a local initiative, representing Sēlija in the Spanish village of Kanda.
The team of the association consists of:
The Schmidts family: Santa is a project manager who is interested in promoting the activities of public good and local patriotism, while Richard is the Executive director and his heart`s desire is boating and expressing his views, also he is board member.

Andris Zībergs is a passionate hiking master who manages his farm, makes wines and deeply coexists with the challenges of local development.

The Punculi family, with Linda at the forefront, controls the association’s accounting twists and turns and she ir board member, while Haralds is an immeasurable helper in many areas.

Granny or Sarmīte Buholce is a person without whom there would be no association. Three years ago, the younger generation of the Schmidts family was too small to take part in river cleanups, hikes and boat trips, so Granny’s support was invaluable in the development of the association.

Not to mention Jānis Dzimtais, whose status is currently a former public relations specialist of the association (it seems that with one leg Jānis is still in the affairs of the association), because he is a close family friend who is not shy to express his opinion about the development of the association. We appreciate it wholeheartedly!

Association`s properties for donations:
Association “Selonian Boats”
Reg. No. 40008280720
Legal address: Augšzemes Street 8/3
Aknīste, Jēkabpils county
AS “Swedbank”
Account No .: LV98HABA0551046455142