“Skārdupītes” is a monument of Latvian history of national importance – the famous Mikēni family lived here. Sculptor Jozs Mikens (a well-known artist in Lithuania), who is the author of the statue “The First Swallows”. This statue is special because it was exhibited at the international exhibition EXPO’67 and therefore won a national award. The statue can still be found today in Geneva near the Palace of Nations and in Vilnius Square.
Jons Mikens was also famous among the Mikēni family, who was an aviator in the first half of his life, and famous for having made flights to all the capitals of Europe; in the second half of his life he became a recognized ceramist.
In turn, Akvile Mikenaite was a well-known art historian in Lithuania. A strong family with a strong sense of belonging to Latvia, which gives this place a special radiance, complemented by more contemporary things.
The association “Sēlijas laiva” began managing this place in 2019. There are many ideas for the development of the place, but their implementation is slower than expected. However, this and that is happening. In 2020, a heartfelt coincidence brought us together with Latvian travelers: Iveta Velma, Jānis, Gailīte, Ingrīda Brakanska, Ilze Buli and Lauma Eduli, who were looking for a place to place their 1836 waypoint. They found it in “Skārdupītes”, which is now one of Latvia’s travel destinations.
The association wants to give a lot to “Skārdupītes”. The roof of the house has been replaced, it has been freed from mold. That’s all for now. In 2025, we have planned several activities for the improvement of the outdoor space. May it flourish and prosper!